09 August 2024
MA GLOBAL NEWS - Angola Strategy for the Prevention and Repression of Corruption 2024-2027

Presidential Decree 169/24 of 19 July approved the Angola Strategy for the Prevention and Repression of Corruption 2024-2027 (ENAPREC).

ENAPREC's fundamental objective is continuing to reduce corruption rates in Angola by instituting anti-corruption reforms and promoting a culture of ethics in all sectors, with greater emphasis on those in which corruption is most present.  

ENAPREC seeks to present a holistic approach to the phenomenon of corruption in Angola and is structured around three axes: Prevention, Detection and Repression.

The prevention axis establishes objectives and actions aimed at raising awareness in society and strengthening education on corruption, as well as reducing corruption in public institutions, involving the public and private sectors and generally improving the business environment, with a view to creating favorable conditions for private investment.

The main objective of the detection axis is to provide the public and private sectors with tools for detecting acts of corruption, encouraging a culture of denunciation, namely through the adoption of effective mechanisms for protecting whistleblowers, witnesses and collaborating defendants, or for identifying the beneficial owner.

The repression axis aims to strengthen the human, technical and technological capacity of the judiciary and criminal investigation bodies, reduce the response time of the judicial system and strengthen the confidence of investors and citizens in the functioning of justice. The repressive axis includes various actions, including, among others, improving the mechanisms for managing recovered assets, setting up specialized courts to try corruption cases, as well as increasing the publicity of corruption cases, whether final or ongoing, within the limits established by law.

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