31 May 2024in Jornal Económico
Bruno Melo Alves comments on Melo Alves' involvement in the Portuguese-speaking world

In the latest edition of its Advisory supplement, Jornal Económico analysed the presence of law firms in Portuguese-speaking countries and which local firms they have partnerships with.

The article makes reference to Portuguese legal boutiques such as Melo Alves, which have invested in the Lusophone dimension.

Bruno Melo Alves, head of the Angola Desk, says that ‘our international positioning developed from the need to assist several international clients in some Portuguese-speaking countries’.

The partner praised the work of Rui Andrade and his experience in litigation, arbitration and labour matters in Angola, Mozambique, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, São Tomé and Príncipe, Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde, especially with oil companies.

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