25 June 2024in RTP1
Carlos Melo Alves takes part in TV debate on the reform of the justice system

Carlos Melo Alves  participated  in the RTP1 programme "É ou Não É?", where journalist Ana Lourenço moderated the debate on "Calls for Urgent Justice Reform".

He was joined in the debate by Paula Teixeira da Cruz, former Minister of Justice, Paulo Lona, President of the Union of Public Prosecutors, Eduardo Marçal Grilo, signatory of the Manifesto of the 50 and journalist José Vegar.

Justice is blind, but the investigation is not deaf and has not been mute recently. Wiretaps are a means of investigation, but the "surgical" leaks of what they contain is a violation of the secrecy of justice with an often irreparable political and public impact. In civil society, the voices accusing the Public Prosecutor's Office of acting excessively and inconsistently are growing in tone, as are the calls for an urgent reform of the justice system.

If there is no democratic rule of law without an independent investigation, at the same time, how is it possible to avoid inadmissible exaggerations in a democracy?

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