The digital transition is an irreversible trend in the transformation of society, with a profound impact on people's way of life and on the development of organisations.
In the life of companies, technological development, permanent connectivity and the digitalisation of procedures, in relationships with clients and internally between workers, has boosted the growing value of data (personal and non-personal) as fundamental assets in improving production, distribution, marketing and consumption processes, as well as the design and development of new goods and services.
At the same time, the growing dependence on information and communication technologies has aggravated cybersecurity risks that threaten the resilience of systems, as well as the confidentiality, integrity and permanent availability of information.
At Melo Alves, we believe in the pioneering value of information as a strategic asset in the development of companies and we are committed to providing a multifaceted service, capable of integrating our experience in internal investigations and criminal and misdemeanour litigation with regulatory compliance in the fields of data protection and cybersecurity.
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